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·天津城市风景  ·怪现象:黄金地段频暴建官宅和别墅专供当地领导  ·优秀影人:山东摄影家隋坚志(2011.5.2-2011.5.15)  ·中国佛教名山——南岳衡山  ·革命圣地井冈山  ·弥勒道场 佛教名刹——浙江奉化溪口雪窦寺  ·春至西湖 绿波微荡  ·云南浪巴铺土林:鬼斧神工的大自然奇景  ·康定新都桥  ·每周影人:辽宁摄影家李秋仪(2010.7.19-2010.7.25)  ·教育部严禁再聘新代课人员 将补偿被辞退者  ·绚丽多姿 七彩云南——东川红土地  ·塞舌尔拉迪戈岛风光  ·优秀影人:北京摄影家——王琼[2016.3.1--2016.3.31]  ·优秀影人:吉林摄影家王宝东(2012.8.6-2012.8.19)  
CCN传媒图片网 www.ccnpic.com  责任编辑:孟波  

Journal CN-227
“The deed is all – and not the glory.” ---- Johann Von Goethe (1749-1832)

Yuhuatai area – Zhong Hun martyrs memorial – corridor and Zhong Hun pavilion
Important Chinese historical event martyrs memorial. Great philosopher Deng Xiaoping wrote the name for memorial.

Zhong Hun pavilion funds contributed by 300 thousand communist party members 1995-1996.
Photographer states these images belong to people of China thrown into public domain and open source. Robert Le Johnno 2013

Notice right usage terms – catalog CN 227 Public domain & open source. (本拍摄手记中图片资源可在公共领域中使用) (CCN传媒图片网 孟波)

(文章来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲)

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